Dublin Comic Con

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cosplay & costume CONTEST

This Spring 2024 we will be hosting our Costume contest as a masquerade-style set up on the Sunday of the show. There is no Pro contest being held as of this time. Please see the FAQs below for more information

Frequently asked questions

Cosplay Contest/Cosplay

The Summer2024 contest is changing....it is the Costume Masquerade!
What does that mean you may ask, well we want to bring the fun and play back into Cosplay!

We want you to dip your toes by getting on stage, showing off and talking about a costume (talking is optional!) that you have worked hard to make (and maybe encourage others to take the same plunge!), get some nice photos, make some friends and simply have fun!

No pressure to compete and win, no judgement, just fun!


The Mywaste.ie Most Sustainable Cosplayer Category.

The Mywaste.ie Most Sustainable Cosplayer category is a new addition at this year’s Dublin Comic
Convention and there are prizes up for grabs!

Sustainability is important to us and we want to improve as we go.

The Most Sustainable Cosplayer category is sponsored by Mywaste.ie who are partnering with us
this year as we look to positively improve our environmental impact. Mywaste.ie is an advisory
website for all you need to know about sustainability, managing your waste and circular living.


They are really keen to help everybody along their journey of steady improvements in sustainability.
The introduction of this category is a way for us and My Waste Ireland to bring some spotlight to the everyday things that can be done to live more sustainably as well as for us to encourage and support
those things.

Cosplay involves repair, repurposing, re-use and thrifting – all excellent circular living practices -
which makes it the perfect place for us to kick start our relationship together! And we want you to
be a part of that too.
Entries will be judged based on the extent of sustainable actions that have contributed to the pieces
and, likewise, any actions responsible for added Carbon. So we advise against importing vibranium if you can avoid it!

Points will be awarded for:
Creative repurposing of any materials or items
 Material maximisation – show how you used all of something and avoided unusable scraps
 Buying second hand or salvaging things that were being thrown out
 Use of eco-friendly materials
 Your look! Maybe not directly ‘sustainability’ but an important part of cosplay and if
you look terrible you’re not going to keep it up either are you – unsustainable aesthetics
Points may be deducted for
Unnecessary waste – did you cut a small piece out and bin the rest? Be honest!
 Buying new – new is nice, but not what this is about. Reduce demand!
 Fossil fuel derived material use – avoid polyester, acrylic, nylon and other plast-icks!

Entries will be judged on the day and should be accompanied by an explainer doc outlining all of the
wonderful ways you incorporated sustainable thinking into your design.
The in-game reward is feeling better about levelling up your environmental links ……….. but also
there will be a deadly hamper for the winner too!

If you have any questions before the event keep an eye out for social content going up throughout
August with tips and hints or drop the My Waste team a comment through any of their socials and
they’ll help you out 

Summer 2024 Masquerade - Sign Up Here

Summer 2024 - MyWaste.ie Most Sustainable Cosplayer Category Contest - Sign Up Here


There is a cloak room located on the ground floor and is run by the venue.

The cosplay village is located on Level 4 and includes a cosplay repair station, photo backdrops (generic photography backdrops with professional light set up), green screen backdrop aswell as printed backdrops with various graphics. Also located in the village would be cosplay tables (applications available via the menu) and tables/chairs for cosplayers to gather and have an area to call their own.

Yes, it is held Sunday of DCC and from 3 to 5pm (schedule available closer to the show) in the main Auditorium.

The costume contest is held in the main auditorium on Level 3. If you entered the contest you will receive an email closer to the show outlining where the meeting point is on Level 3 and what time you need to be ready.

Yes, it is held Sunday of DCC and from 3 to 5pm (schedule available closer to the show) in the main Auditorium.

Yes, they are normally located on the 2nd floor (as our floorplan changes each show, be sure to reference each floorplan before the show) which can be accessed via lift or escalator. Each room will be marked as male or female and please note, DCC does not take responsibility for any items left in the room. It is not a storage area so you must check in your items you do not wish to carry into the cloakroom. Any items found without an owner will be taken to the organiser's office and returned at the end of the day or placed in the trash if no one claims them in a reasonable time frame. Anyone found abusing the system or in the wrong room will be removed and any sexual harassment/peeping toms etc will be dealt with as a criminal offence and arrested by Gardai present at the show. Please be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page as the location of the room may change

Updated Information can be received and the Sign Up desk in the cosplay village. Directions for times and locations to meet up and sign in for the cosplay competition will be available.

Entrants must arrive at least 30 minutes before the masquerade begins at the Green Room entrance on Level 3 to sign in and be lined up in the correct order to go on stage, late entrants will not be allowed for safety and security.


When it is your time on stage your name and character name will be called, there will be 3 markers (look for an ‘X’) on stage for you to walk to. While on stage you may strike a pose, do a little dance if you wish, but your main aim is to show off your costume and work. Interact with the audience..give them a wave and be sure to look to the photographers and then meet the judges before going off stage to the other side.


Here you will be held till the end of your category before everyone comes back on stage for the winners to be announced and a group photograph.


Sadly we can't offer music options to entrants due to the sheer volume of applications.

If you have applied online you do not need to apply again at the convention



- Costumes must be from a published media source and an existing pop culture character. E.g, Sakizou's Alice would be fine, but one of her original characters would not.

-Any cosplay based on artwork published by fan artists must be able to provide front and back views for reference, and if from a smaller artist, proof must be shown that the art predates the costume.

-No original designs.

-The Entrants costume cannot have previously won 1st place at a large competition or have placed at an international competition.

-Digital designed and printed pieces require a minimum of 20 images showing the development of the costume/prop.

-Reference images of the front & back & details are required to be submitted via email to costumecontest@dublincomiccon.com 1 week prior to the conventions to allow Judges to familiarise themselves with the characters.

-A performance is required. Must be between 1-3 minutes in length.

-Stage props are allowed but not required. 30 seconds will be allowed for stage set up and take down, only one (1) assistant will be allowed to help with setup and take down due to limited space. No additional assistants are allowed during the performance.



-Reference images of the front & back & details are required to be submitted via email to costumecontest@dublincomiccon.com 1 week prior to the conventions to allow Judges to familiarise themselves with the characters.


-Submission of audio and/or video for a performance lasting between 1 and 3 minutes. All files must be submitted online via a file sharing site (Google drive files, dropbox, others etc.) before the event.



-On the day, of Pre-judging, a photo reference book must be presented to the judges, this must include Reference images, WIP progress photos, and details highlighting work that cannot be seen on the day (ie, pattern creation, inner workings of a costume etc.)



The judges will mark entrants on 5 separate categories.


Accuracy: This category relates to the achievement in capturing the likeness of the reference photos provided by the entrant. CONSIDER colour, structure, texture, fabric, materials, scaling & proportions, finish etc.


Craftsmanship: This category relates to the skills and techniques used to create the final piece, finishing touches and overall cleanliness. CONSIDER: chosen techniques & variety of, mastery of execution and overall quality, tailoring to the entrants body. Judges will be aware of fraying edges, fabrics glued together, improper stitches, visible imperfections, and poor technique.


Creativity: This category relates to the entrant's creativity and decision-making. What obstacles did you encounter and how were they overcome? Are there unique elements to ambitious builds relating to size, weight, and maneuverability? How has the entrant translated their design from a chosen piece of media to their physical final costume/props etc.

CONSIDER: look deeply into the WIP photos provided and talk to cosplayer about their struggles with making the costume, how did they manage to solve issues that arose during the process of making a costume, did they have any struggles at all, if they had access to special tools or if they had to come up with any alternative solutions.


Functionality: This category relates to the replication process and all solutions used to make the costume and props usable and functional. Judges will check for manoeuvrability, comfort, ease of putting on and taking off of costume by oneself safely or what assistance is required to do so.

CONSIDER: can specific parts of the costume be used for their intended purpose (zips, pockets, buttons, holsters, bags, belts) or are they decorative only, can things be taken off and put back on easily (like hats, gloves, shoes, bags), can props be used according it's purpose (heaviness, sturdiness, if sword bag on the back can the sword be put in bag by cosplayer and taken back out safely and smoothly).

PLEASE NOTE: subsequent issues with the costume on stage may be deducted from this mark.


Performance: The category relates to the performance piece the entrant will prepare for the competition. This is an opportunity for entrants to showcase other skills they may have (acting, dancing, gymnastics, music etc.) Entrants will be marked on the choice and editing of audio and/or video elements, use of space on stage, stage props and entertainment value.

CONSIDER The audience's reaction, how engaging/emotional/dramatic/comedic your performance is.

PLEASE NOTE: Dangerous or performances that have not been cleared through your entrance form will lead to disqualification. Eg. throwing props into the audience, bringing liquids on stage etc.

The below is not in effect for Spring 2024

Professional (16+) - Online Pre-registration only -

Adult/General Entry (16+) - Online Pre Registration available soon

Under 16's - Online Pre Registration available soon

Group (All Ages) - Online Pre Registration available soon

Tots (Under 5) - On the day sign ups only - Children Specific Prizes

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